Saturday, November 5, 2011

Skinny VS Curvy

Skinny VS Curvy

Jennifer Love Hewitt in an All Black Outfit

Posted: 05 Nov 2011 04:07 PM PDT

Jennifer Love Hewitt in an All Black Outfit | jennifer love hewitt

Jennifer Love Hewitt was spotted leaving a lunch date last week… and on this occasion, Jennifer did not opt for her newly found favorites – bandage dresses – but for an all black outfit with high heeled boots.

How do you like her look?

Check out Jennifer’s weight loss in this recent post!

Then see the rest!


Read the rest of Jennifer Love Hewitt in an All Black Outfit

© Versus for Skinny VS Curvy, 2011. | Permalink | No comment

Julia Roberts ‘Ballooned to 150 Pounds’, Says Enquirer

Posted: 05 Nov 2011 03:56 PM PDT

Julia Roberts Ballooned to 150 Pounds, Says Enquirer | celebrity weight measurements

A little ‘may be true, may be a complete invention’-gossip is welcomed on a lazy weekend, so here’s an interesting ‘weight gain’ story from the Enquirer, targeting Julia Roberts:

Desperate to maintain her "Pretty Woman" figure after a recent weight gain, Julia Roberts has turned into a workout maniac, say pals.

The fiery redhead, who turned 44 on Oct. 28, is furious at herself for piling on 10 pounds while filming her role as the Evil Queen in the as-yet-untitled new "Snow White" movie.

And the mom of three is determined to trim down by pounding the pavement with pals. In fact, Julia was recently spotted looking winded after jogging with a companion near her Los Angeles home. Her goal, say insiders, is to get as lean and mean as her six pack-sporting spouse, cameraman Danny Moder.

"Julia saw the photos of herself in the beach in Hawaii this past August and thought she looked pretty good in a bikini," said an insider, "But standing next to Danny, with his taught stomach and muscular arms, she seemed completely out of shape in comparison.

"She told him, 'It's not fair that you get to look as good as you do without even trying, but I have to bust my ass just to lose a couple of pounds!' After that, Julia was absolutely determined to look almost as toned was her hubby."

According to the source, Julia's biggest problem in her battle of the bulge is that she tends to eat whatever she wants when she's working. And that's exactly what happened while making "Snow White" in Montreal.

This isn't the first time Julia has gained weight on a film set. The 5-foot-9 actress normall weighs between 125 and 130 pounds but balooned to nearly 150 by the time she'd finished filming "Eat Pray Love" on location in Italy in 2009. "In the scene with the pizza, we started shooting at eight in the morning and by 8:45 I'd eaten eight or 10 pieces of pizza," she told a reporter.

But now she's running like a madwoman and doing yoga three times a week to get back in fighting form.

Still, the sources says Julia has insisted to pals that she's not weight-obsessed "like some people in Hollywood." "I'll never be a stick figure," she admitted. "But I want to give Danny a run for his money!"

Share your thoughts!


© Versus for Skinny VS Curvy, 2011. | Permalink | 2 comments

Knock, Knock! Who’s There?

Posted: 05 Nov 2011 03:12 PM PDT

Knock, Knock! Whos There? | take a guess

Knock, Knock! Who’s There?

Turn the page to find out!


Read the rest of Knock, Knock! Who’s There?

© Versus for Skinny VS Curvy, 2011. | Permalink | 8 comments

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