Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Skinny VS Curvy

Skinny VS Curvy

Kelly Osbourne Poses for Cosmopolitan and Brings the Quote of the Day

Posted: 04 Jan 2011 04:21 AM PST

Kelly Osbourne Poses for Cosmopolitan and Brings the Quote of the Day | celebrity quotes

‘When I got out of rehab and stopped using drugs, I replaced drugs with food. I was emotionally eating and hated the way I looked, but I couldn’t mask my self-loathing with pills any more.’

… confesses Kelly to Cosmo, while posing (and getting photoshopped) for the magazine.

Kelly Osbourne Poses for Cosmopolitan and Brings the Quote of the Day | celebrity quotes

See 2 more shots of Kelly on the next page!

Read the rest of Kelly Osbourne Poses for Cosmopolitan and Brings the Quote of the Day

© Versus for Skinny VS Curvy, 2011. | Permalink | No comment

Tags: magazine, Photoshop, quote

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Kim Kardashian: ‘I don’t find myself as sexy as everyone thinks’

Posted: 04 Jan 2011 04:07 AM PST

Kim Kardashian: I don't find myself as sexy as everyone thinks | beauty body image

Kim Kardashian embraced the cover and pages of Glamour Magazine this month and she revealed a few things on body image, insecurities and being a sex symbol in the interview:

Katie Couric: Because a lot of young women read this magazine, I wanted to ask you about issues you've had with your body in the past and growing up and being bullied. You developed early, is that true?
Kim Kardashian: Kourtney probably bullied me the most because she hadn't developed. She was always making fun of me. I mean, when I was 11 I was a C-cup and I got my period. I was just insecure.

Katie Couric: But how did you sort of come to love, accept and appreciate the body you had?

Kim Kardashian: I remember I would sit in the bathtub, and I would put a hot washcloth on my boobs and think, Please, Lord, just please, I don't want to grow any bigger. I would cry. My mom would say, "You are going to love this one day." And she was like, "You're Armenian. Look at all your aunts. They're super curvy, and this is your family. This is who you are." We were raised around all of our Armenian cousins, and I know a lot about the culture. So I think that made me confident in who I am.

Katie Couric: How do you feel about being a sex symbol? Is it empowering or degrading?
Kim Kardashian: It's definitely powerful. I don't find myself as sexy as everyone thinks. I'm a lot more insecure than people would assume, but with little stupid things. When I get dressed, I'm always so indecisive.

Share your thoughts on this interview!

See Kim’s Glamour cover next!

Read the rest of Kim Kardashian: ‘I don't find myself as sexy as everyone thinks’

© Versus for Skinny VS Curvy, 2011. | Permalink | 5 comments

Tags: beauty image, body image, magazine, quote, sexy

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This Bikini Figure Belongs to…

Posted: 04 Jan 2011 03:49 AM PST

This Bikini Figure Belongs to... | take a guess

So many celebrities started the New Year in a bikini! Who’s the one here though?

This Bikini Figure Belongs to…

Turn the page to find out!

Read the rest of This Bikini Figure Belongs to…

© Versus for Skinny VS Curvy, 2011. | Permalink | 2 comments

Tags: bikini, guess

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