Friday, September 3, 2010

Geeks of Doom Invade Your Inbox

Geeks of Doom Invade Your Inbox

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Tom Cruise & James McAvoy Wanted For ‘At The Mountains Of Madness,’ But Which Does Guillermo Del Toro Prefer?

Posted: 02 Sep 2010 06:47 PM PDT

If you follow movie news, you're aware that last month we found out that Guillermo del Toro would be directing his dream project next, a massive big-budget adaptation of H.P. Lovecraft's At the Mountains of Madness with James Cameron helping out as a producer. This was some of the more exciting news we've heard in recent memory, but now begins the not-so-exciting aspect to the project: the casting rumors.

When del Toro was attached to direct The Hobbit, the constants in related news were either delays due to MGM's ongoing struggles (which ultimately led to del Toro stepping away from the movies), and of course the never-ending rumors of who might play Bilbo Baggins. Now the casting frenzy has begun with At the Mountains of Madness, and we have our first two potential lead-role names.

The good news here is that these actors are not randomly generated rumors, but more the leading names on the studio and director's wish list. The bad news is that the studio and director seem to have a difference in opinion. [...]

Watch Now: Video Review Of 2009’s ‘Star Trek’

Posted: 02 Sep 2010 02:30 PM PDT

Star Trek

Anyone remember the hilarious 70-minute video review of Star Wars: Episode 1: The Phantom Menace put out in seven parts by Red Letter Media back in December?

In the video review, a Mr. Plinkett uses movies clips and infographics to demonstrate his points, and now he's tackled last year's Star Trek reboot. In the Star Trek review, Plinkett goes beyond discussing the most recent film by also comparing it to the original Star Trek: The Motion Picture, the Star Trek: The Next Generation films, the Star Wars prequels, as well as other films based on 1960s televisions shows, like Lost In Space.

You can watch Part 1 and Part 2 of the review here below (it's a Flash video player, so if you have trouble viewing the video, follow the links to the official site). [...]

‘Battlestar Galactica’ Creator Ronald D. Moore To Bring ‘Harry Potter’ Fantasy To NBC

Posted: 02 Sep 2010 01:22 PM PDT

One of the biggest names in science fiction entertainment today is without doubt Ronald D. Moore.

Along with David Eick, Moore created one of the greatest TV shows of all time in the brilliant reinvention of Battlestar Galactica. Aside from that series radiating from his resume, Moore got his start in the realms of Star Trek, writing and producing on The Next Generation and Deep Space Nine, and working on the screenplays for movies Generations and First Contact. But now Moore is ready to jump into a new type of show: fantasy.

It's being reported that Moore has a new project lining up at NBC Universal that's a fantasy drama being compared to an adult Harry Potter. Instead of all of the elements of a science fiction, this time around we'll be seeing a lot of magic in the show, which is through Sony TV.

It's unclear why, but the pilot and series brought about $2 million in penalties, making it a major commitment which will also likely tote a major budget if and when it comes around. [...]

Comic Review: Tumor

Posted: 02 Sep 2010 09:38 AM PDT

Joshua Hale Fialkov & Noel Tuazon
Archaia Comics
Cover Price: $14.99
Release Date: June 22, 2010

One part Memento, one part Maltese Falcon, Tumor from Archaia Comics takes readers on a noir trip through the mind of former private investigator Frank Armstrong. Frank is a man who has lived a troubled life riddled with crime, mystery, and murder, but in the events of Tumor, he gets an unexpected surprise when he is diagnosed with brain cancer. In his very last case, Frank is met with the child of a mobster and memories of his dead wife that come back to haunt him at the most inopportune moments.

Joshua Hale Fialkov does an amazing job at telling an old fashioned detective story, while giving the reader twists and turns down the path towards solving the real mystery of dissecting the fragmented mind of Frank Armstrong. The book, coming in at approximately 200 pages of story, keeps us intrigued through the impeccable character work of the supporting cast to the point that we truly care about each one of them and how their story unfolds. Every single character is flawed, but charming, and in an era of comics when characters are created seemingly to just be flawed and have few redeeming qualities, Fialkov's vision is a deep breath of fresh air [...]

Microsoft Set To Increase Xbox LIVE Subscription Prices In November

Posted: 02 Sep 2010 07:45 AM PDT

Microsoft has announced that they're getting ready to raise the prices of their Xbox Live Gold subscriptions in the United States, Canada, the UK, and Mexico. The price increase will take hold on November 1, 2010.

The company has decided to enlarge their price tag due to the fact that so much has been added to LIVE since its launch, and they feel their new prices are still fair for all users. Not all prices will be affected for the above-mentioned countries, such as the full year subscription for UK users, which will remain as is.

The specific price changes are as follows: for the U.S., one month will now cost you $9.99 instead of the previous $7.99; three months will run you $24.99 instead of the previous $19.99; twelve months will jump to $59.99 instead of $49.99. For the UK, the only price change is to your one month fee, which will now cost £5.99 instead of £4.99. In Canada, you too will only see a change to the one month price, growing from $8.99 to $9.99. Lastly, for Mexico, your only increase is on the twelve month subscription, which will jump from $499 pesos to $599 pesos. [...]

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